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Kifisias Ave. 307 - 145 61 Kifisia

Art workshop

Sofias Kinderhaus is now open in the afternoons, inviting our young friends to an “Afternoon Art Workshop”. Our goal, as in our morning educational program, is the all-round cultivation of the children’s personality as well as the physical, mental, emotional and social development of the children. Come and discover the world around us as little explorers, with all our senses, experientially and interactively, in a specially designed space, full of stimuli. In our company nothing resembles a lesson, everything looks like a game!

Kinder Swans

Fu Jo Pai

Self-concentration, self-confidence and discipline; Fu-Jow Pai teaches us moral values by offering physical and mental exercise.

Kinder Swans

Kinder Swans

Our ballerinas, just before arriving at “Swan Lake” stop at Sofas Kinderhaus to put on their ballet shoes. They will definitely amaze you!!!

Cowboys and Lillies

We dig, plant and water our beautiful garden. We love looking at our flowers but also the delicious fruits in our vegetable garden. As for our little animals, they will definitely be in the best hands!


Narrative dramatization of fairy tales by children for children and let “our stars” shine!

Fairy Roles

Beautiful costumes, fantastic stories and young protagonists fill our little theater... Come and weave the tale and experience the magic!

Sofias Kinder Shows

From the very first year of our school’s operation, theatrical groups and puppet theater groups found a home in our little theater. Every week there is a different show for all our friends!

Fairy tales

Book presentations and book trips so that young and old can feel the magic of fairy tales through the eyes of the authors themselves...We are waiting for you!

Chefs in action

A pinch of flour, a dash of sugar, a bit of play and a great big dose of love… and our delicacy is ready! We cook and create! What are we going to eat today?

Parents time

Mom and Dad don’t complain…. There is a workshop for you too. Our distinguished child psychologist is ready to welcome you and solve all the questions you may have in everyday life with your child... Being a parent is the most difficult job and is not taught anywhere...

Saturdays at Sofias Kinderhaus

Saturday morning fever

Sofias Kinderhaus dropped its stardust on Saturday mornings and created the Saturday morning fever; a little cooking, a bit of gardening, construction, dancing, music and lots of play to enchant our little friends.

Join us...

Afternoon Nursery School

Sofias Abendkinderhaus
A complete preschool education program is now available in the afternoons. We give your children the opportunity to attend our school’s daily program in the afternoon for those of you who wish. Intracurricular activities, group games, psychomotor, music-kinetics, fairy tales and puppetry are just the beginning...